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Very well written. Hopefully you’re daughter contacts you as she matures. Best of luck.
Indeed you shine a light on a worldwide problem. You give us the Hope that you have yourself. Matters must get better. The scourge of Alienation is destroying the fabric of family life.
I completely get this as I’m going through it myself. I haven’t seen my daughter in two years and it kills me everyday. My heart hurts and I just want to see her. I can’t explain to people how I feel. It’s A comfort to know It’s not me, and there are others who will understand my feelings, thank you mark, keep going xx
Thx for the story. I relate and I miss my Son.
You have been able to capture my feelings regarding the loss of my granddaughter. Thank you, I needed to read this today.
Lost my daughter to PA 10 yrs ago…since then every Christmas I hope it will be the one she will call…that she will reach out to somebody in the family and let us know how is she doing. I missed her high school times, her graduation, her first university years…I have no idea if I am grandmother or if she is even alive….
Hits home I’m going on four years without my three children due to the same alenation and false allegations. I’m a atm machine a slave I’ve been erased completely my rights ingnoreed. I’ve seen small glimpses of my daughter from FB on another account new name and all. I see she is following my foot steps in firefighting and I can’t even tell her how proud I am.. nor does she or any of them care.
Well this resonated with me!
I separated from the mother of my three boys just over ten years ago. Started a new relationship about two years after that. Had a pretty good and stable relationship with my boys and my new partners son, until about 4 years ago, when my eldest son (19 at that time) stopped speaking to me. This was the same time as I decided to go to court and finally sort the finances between me and my ex, as my new partner, now wife, were trying to buy a new house. Fascinating timing. My youngest son stopped talking to me two years ago, when he was 13.
The how’s and why’s are complicated to tell here, but the impact is much as you’ve described above. It is impossible to imagine until it happens, and still hard to believe or to accept. Many sleepless nights and many heartbroken Christmas moments.
My wife and I share a love for making music and this has definitely saved our lives and provided an emotional outlet, a catalogue which includes some quite dark work, but some uplifting and positive work too. We haven’t been quite so outgoing and public as you, so well done for that, but I strongly relate to the way you describe the process. For an artist all pain is material, it is still pain though.
I thank you for your positive and hopeful take on the situation. I do always (now) approach Christmas with some trepidation.
But we keep hope, and a place at our table.
Strength to all on this path. It is a busier road than we may have realised.
Wonderful Blog! My 2 Boys and I have been the victims of PA going on 17 years now. Purposely and completely orchestrated by my children’s fathers Mother.(their grandmother) After destroying my life their father went to prison, leaving me to clean up the mess, in a town I’m not from, and trusting a family I shouldn’t have… It was 14 years before I could think clearly, I went crazy, which is exactly what they we’re counting on .
LONG story short, I didn’t get my boys back..2 years ago I came to the realization my only option and best defense is “Self-Care”. I need to put all my energy into and focus on getting myself to a good place mentally emotionally financially etc . When the time comes that my boys are readyand I have faith in that time will come the life I’m living will be all the proof I need.
Success is the best revenge.
I only wish someone had sat me down and explained this 17 years ago. I’ve decided I want to help other woman survive PA, it’s something I have a “Fire” for, it would make me proud. Just not sure how to go about doing it. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much for putting this together and for your music and encouragement. I have been alienated from my two daughters for 8 years. They are in their 20’s now. Each year I think Christmas will get a little easier, but it doesn’t. I also have a 17 year old son who I am aloud to see for an hour every couple of months, supervised only by my ex. I can’t talk to him on the phone except on his birthday and Christmas and then my ex has to be listening in. So I am limited as to what I can say. I just feel so defeated. He used the court system and mediation to intimidate me and before I knew it, he had all the power and total control, and I had nothing. He convinced the children that I was a liar and manipulator and that I was only trying to buy their love. I am starting a new job today as I am still required to pay child support and I am years behind due to depression and not being able to work. It can really be overwhelming at times. I am trying to do some positive things. I quit smoking and drinking alcohol and I’ve started getting on the treadmill every morning and I have cut sugar out of my diet. This seems to be helping. Please continue your work and music to create awareness of Parental Alienation. You are a light in a very dark world.
Thank you.